Hardware and Software Requirements

By SuperG - Last updated: Monday, April 23, 2012 - Save & Share - Leave a Comment

The Bulk of the information here was taken from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff512684.aspx

I will be running all the FIM services from one server so I need to have all the software listed for each service installed.

Required Hardware

The server or servers that host Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) 2010 server components must meet the following minimum hardware requirements:

The client computer that hosts the FIM 2010 client-side components must meet the following minimum hardware requirements:

 Required Software

Each server hosting the different FIM 2010 server-side components has a different software requirement. In this document, you will find the software requirements for each of the FIM 2010 server-side components. If you decide to install all the server-side components on one server, you must install the software requirements for each of the FIM 2010 server-side components on that server.

FIM 2010 Synchronization Service software requirements

The server hosting the FIM 2010 Synchronization Service must have the following prerequisite software installed:

FIM Service software requirements

The server that hosts the FIM Service must have the following software installed:

FIM Portal and Password Portal software requirements

The server or servers that host the FIM Portal and Password Portal must have the following software installed:

FIM add-ins and extensions components software requirements

The client computers that host the FIM add-ins and extensions components must meet the following software requirements:

FIM 2010 Service software as used in Lab

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